Man Suing Buffalo Wild Wings Because Boneless Wings Are Nuggets
Fox News says a Chicago man named Aimen Halim is suing Buffalo Wild Wings because he claims their boneless wings aren’t wings, but rather nuggets. Yes, you read that correctly, his lawsuit says “boneless” implies the product is a chicken wing that “has simply been deboned.”
Aimen Halim’s lawsuit reads: “This clear-cut case of false advertising should not be permitted, as consumers should be able to rely on the plain meaning of a product’s name and receive what they are promised. Products are actually made of chicken breast meat. Indeed, several of Buffalo Wild Wings’ competitors are careful to name their products ‘Boneless Chicken’ or ‘Chicken poppers,’ rather than ‘Boneless Wings,’ to prevent consumers from being misled.”
Aimen is seeking damages, restitution and injunctive relief— (seems like a lot of really big words so he can get a lot of really big money!)