New Survey Shows How Patriotic and Proud Americans Really Are
I consider myself a patriotic American. I hang my flag during appropriate holidays, take the National Anthem very seriously when it plays, and truly appreciate the freedom that our country has given me. I believe that most Americans would agree and are feeling especially patriotic with Independence Day just a couple of days away.
The 4th of July weekend is here and July 4th is just four days from now. With that in mind, Gallup has published its annual look to see how patriotic we Americans are feeling.
What they learned was that thirty-nine percent of the people in this country said they were “extremely proud” of being an American which is up just a single percentage point from an all-time low of thirty-eight percent last year in 2022. It’s interesting to find out that after the events of 9/11 (which is considered between 2002 and 2004), that number was sixty-five to seventy percent, according to the polling folks. That’s about a whopping twenty-six percent higher than it was about twenty years ago.
Currently, 67% of Americans say they’re either “extremely” or “very proud” of living in this country, the survey says.
The findings are from the June 2023 Gallup poll that also notes that this feeling of patriotism is once again reflected in party affiliation. Republicans have consistently been more likely than their Democrat counterparts to express pride in being an American. For example, wearing patriotic clothing, displaying the American flag, or slapping a patriotic bumper sticker on their cars.
Gallup’s study claims that party affiliation is the strongest “demographic differentiator in expressions of national pride.”
Sixty percent of Republicans and 29% of Democrats said they were “extremely proud” to be from the United States of America. Independents were found to be at an all-time low of 33%.
Click here for the full story, stats, and information regarding the survey.