If You Plan on Buying A Xmas Tree, Shop Early in NJ
One of our family’s favorite Christmas traditions is the hunt for our Christmas tree. We love the memories of the “cut-your-own” experience. We set out to a tree farm immediately after having a hot breakfast. We usually go to a hilly farm in Hunterdon County. When we arrive we grab a map of the location of the different tree varieties on the property and set out with a huge wagon and an axe. It just seems like the day we choose to go out, is a day of light mist and clouds making us slightly damp and chilly as we hunt for our tree. Luckily the farm sells a nice cup of hot apple cider which pairs well with the tasty apple cider donuts they also sell. When we are done finding the perfect tree, it’s time to reward ourselves with cider and donuts which for me is as much a memory as finding the perfect tree. The sweet smell of the cider and the warmth my hands feel wrapped around the cup is so comforting!
The American Christmas Tree Association is recommending that people shop early for Christmas trees this year if they want a better variety to choose from.

PRODUCTION – 07 October 2021, Brandenburg, Werder (Havel): Several signposts to the different types of Christmas trees are on the grounds of the Werderaner Tannenhof. As straight as possible and many dense branches: at Christmas, the tree in the home should be a beauty. And if possible, it should come from the region. The Christmas business has already begun for the Christmas tree producers in the Mark Brandenburg. Trees – Nordmann firs, red spruces or Colorado firs – are now being selected at the company to be felled for the festive season. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB (Photo by Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Executive director Jami Warner says, “The good news is anyone who wants a Christmas tree this year will be able to find one, but variety in the types of live or artificial trees available may be limited. If you have a specific tree in mind that will make your holiday shine the brightest, we recommend shopping early to secure your ideal tree at the right price for your family. If you want a specific type, style, or size of tree, artificial or live, start your search early.”
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