Need an Organ, What If Doctors Could Print You One?
About 17 people pass away per day while on an organ transplant waiting list. What if doctors could just print a kidney, using cells from the patient, instead of having to find a donor match and hope the patient’s body doesn’t reject the transplanted kidney? It will be a reality in about 10 years thanks to 3D organ bioprinting. Organ bioprinting is the use of 3D-printing technologies to assemble multiple cell types, growth factors and biomaterials in a layer-by-layer fashion to produce bioartificial organs that ideally imitate their natural counterparts.
Meet Maryann, who has been chasing magic since the early 90s. Back then, she hosted a love and dedication show at nights on Magic. Talk about romantic vibes! Since then, she traded her evening slot for mornings. When she’s not talking to you on the air, she’s living the glamorous life of a chicken, duck, pigeon, and German Short-Haired Pointer mom. Since Joel can never follow what she says, there is an entire feature called " What are you Talking About" at 9:10. Running is her secret to staying out of trouble – or at least staying ahead of the extra pounds. She has a husband named Matt, and a son named Zack, who she says makes her world a little adventure.