Woman Rescued After Falling into Toilet
What’s worse than having your phone fall in a toilet? How about if you fall in with it? A hiker fell into an outdoor toilet in the Olympic National Forest in Brinnon, Washington. The woman was going to the bathroom when she accidentally dropped her phone into the toilet. She tried to use her dog’s leash to fish the phone out. “She then attempted to dismantle the toilet and retrieve it. After disassembling the seat and housing, she used her dog’s leash to try fishing it out. Eventually, she took the leashes to help support herself, which failed, and she slid into and fell into the toilet vault head first. After 15-20 minutes of attempting to get out, she used her phone to call 911.”
After being rescued, the woman was washed down and given a Tyvek suit to wear. Authorities also strongly encouraged her to seek medical attention after being exposed to human waste, but she only wanted to leave.
The woman said she did not have any injuries.