Pasta Eaters Have a Better Nutrient Intake Than Non-Pasta Eaters
If you don’t eat pasta because you think you’re going to put on the pounds, fear no more! An Italian study found that eating pasta had a correlation with a lower Body Mass Index. Carbohydrates often get a bad rap for making people gain weight, but other studies have found that a diet high in carbs, but low in fat, is just as effective as a low-carb diet for shedding pounds. A study has found that pasta eaters have a better nutrient intake than non-pasta eaters. This is particularly the case when it comes to nutrients that people are commonly deficient in, such as iron, folate, magnesium, and fiber. Pasta eaters were also found to consume less saturated fat and sugar on average, all while relying upon healthier carbohydrates to give them energy. Since pasta is low in sodium, free of cholesterol, and possessing a low glycemic index the consumption of pasta often leads to favorable health outcomes.
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