I love leftovers, but sometimes it’s hard to eat them all. You run out of time before you can finish all of it. As a matter of fact, according to a new study, the food I eat the most is the food that is hardest to use up.
That’s according to a study that was commissioned by Hello Fresh. The survey shows that about one-third of us don’t eat leftovers mainly because we forget about them. The uneaten foods find their way to some out-of-view location in the refrigerator in some unmarked and unidentified container only to be discovered long after it’s too late.
The waste isn’t limited to leftovers. Condiments don’t last forever, but they do last a long time. However, there are certain condiments and ingredients that we use so infrequently that there’s no way we could ever use them up before we deem them unacceptable for human consumption.
The study found that “23% of people who go grocery shopping wind up purchasing at least five food items a week that they wish they could get in smaller quantities, like bunches of grapes or strands of herbs.” Sadly, “a fifth of respondents shared that they often overestimate how much food they’ll use when grocery shopping.”
Then there are the perishable foods that we could finish, but we almost never do. The survey found that these are the top six foods that are the “hardest ingredients/foods to use up.”
This seems totally accurate, as I mentioned, the number one item is the one food that I eat the most, but still seem to waste a lot of it.