Amazing Inventions and Innovations We Take for Granted
Imagine a world without the invention of cell phones. Many of us born in the early eighties or earlier don’t have to, we lived it. It was and is an invention that changed the way we live our lives.
Inventions as amazing as this continue to astonish with their remarkable and extraordinary capabilities. Even some of the innovations that enhance existing inventions can be a total game changer like the cell phone or the internet.
We take all of this for granted, but I remember vividly as a kid spending hours trying to track down a friend because he wasn’t home where the phone was located.
Time would be wasted, plans would be ruined, and family and friends would worry unnecessarily because there was no way to contact someone.
Life Changing Inventions
Cell phones, the internet, GPS, are just a few of the inventions that changed our lives for the better. Many people do reflect on a simpler time without these inventions, but given the choice, I believe almost every human being would choose today’s technology. While I may enjoy a trip back in time to experience it for a day or a week, the simplicity of how I’m writing these words right now didn’t exist.
I’ve already mentioned a few awesome inventions that I love and am so grateful to be alive to experience, but wait, there’s more. There is always going to be more.
TIME released their “50 Greatest Innovations” from the past year. They’ve been doing the, “Best of What’s New Awards” since 1988, so you can imagine all of the inventions and earth-shattering improvements on those creations that they’ve reported on through the years. Their recent report includes some amazing innovations that I have never even considered.
For example, there’s the hybrid drum set which combines traditional drum heads that you can switch to electronic. Drums are not new, but the way they’re played has evolved tremendously.
These innovations make previous revolutionary inventions much more exciting, and it makes you think, “Wow, there was a time when we didn’t have any of this,” and it’s almost unimaginable.
Bluetooth and Bluetooth speakers. We’ve all seen those big bulky speakers and boom boxes that didn’t nearly have the sound quality as the ones we can now carry in the palm of our hands, untethered.
The examples are numerous and mind-blowing. Check out the amazing list of innovations in electronics, science, technology, medicine, and more that were, at one time, simply unimaginable. These things were unimaginable… until they were indeed imagined and are now a world-changing reality.