It’s Time to Decide to Make (or Not Make) a New Year’s Resolution
It’s time once again to commit to a New Year’s resolution or two to make ourselves better people, feel better, or help others. New Year’s resolutions come and go, and honestly, I’m not sure I know someone who had a New Year’s resolution that they stuck with for life.
We all know smokers who resolve to quit when the New Year comes, but most can’t stick with it. It’s worth a shot, if it doesn’t work you’re not any worse off.
New Year Diets
The same can be said for diets. It’s a very popular resolution, and many of us plan to lose weight. You’re reminded of New Year’s diets because of all the advertisements from Weight Watchers, Noom, Hims, Hers, and others you see this time of the year.
If you plan to lose weight this New Year experts say to set goals, don’t just say, “I’m going to lose weight.” Set a goal, a number that’s measurable and attainable.
Then you’ll need to decide whether you want to diet naturally or use one of the many popular drugs now available, and again, advertised heavily.
“I’m going to join a gym” is another popular statement when the calendar flips to the next year. I happen to know several people who have signed up for a gym membership as a resolution to work out and get in shape. Unfortunately, I also know many, including me, who didn’t make it a month committed to the workout pledge.
I’d like to work on being a better person by paying more attention to how I interact with others. I often find myself not “being present” at times when in conversation. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it makes me feel bad. I’m planning to make a point to concentrate more on what people are saying rather than what I’m going to say next. We all do it, and I appreciate it when I feel someone truly listens to what I’m sharing. I want to be that person.
There are other ways to get in shape or be a better person without doing something that isn’t for you like going to a gym. I started running because I found working out at the gym boring. Many people love working out by lifting weights, and it took me a long time to realize it wasn’t for me.
Maybe you can play a sport or find an alternative physical activity like hiking, pickleball, bike riding or even bowling to be more active.
Whatever your New Year’s resolution is I hope it works for you, even if you resolve not to have a resolution.