Franklin Food Bank: Feeding Franklin and Beyond [Interview]
I had the chance to sit down recently with Derek Smith, the new executive director of the Franklin Food Bank, to discuss the ins and outs of food insecurity in our area. You can check out my interview with Derek in its entirety here.
The conversation was a real eye-opener. While we all know (and feel) the effects of rising food costs, supply shortages, and high gas prices, the impact in our area is particularly sharp. Derek shared this sobering statistic: a household in Somerset County needs to bring home at least $118,000 in order to cover basic, minimum expenses. That’s just the basics and it’s still a tight fit. This week inflation rose above 9%, a 40-year high.
That means more working people are finding it hard to make ends meet. Those who were already dealing with food insecurity (like single parents, the unemployed, the elderly, and disabled people) are dealing with even greater uncertainty. Now, more than ever, it’s important to know about this important community outreach.
The Franklin Food Bank has served Franklin Township since 1975, and since the onset of COVID-19, they’re serving more than ever from within the township and beyond. They offer community food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month at the Franklin Police Department, no questions asked. If anyone needs more support, they’re welcome to shop at the organization’s market-style distribution at the food bank on Churchill Ave.
Take a listen to what Derek has to say and please take action; if you can, please consider a donation to the Franklin Food Bank to help them carry out their work; if you need help, please give Derek a call to make sure you and your family are safe and nourished.
Consider the fact that many who benefit from the Franklin Food Bank are neighbors who are just like you. who may have fallen on some hard times and need a little help to get back on track.
Franklin Food Bank: Get help or give help at or 732-246-0009