Diet Cola Drinkers At Risk For Strokes And Heart Attacks
A new study published in the British Medical Journal reveals that people that drink one can of diet cola a day have a higher risk of heart attacks than those who don’t. Researchers say artificial sweeteners are the reason for the increase in heart attacks and strokes. So if you have been reaching for the diet soda because you think diet sodas aren’t loaded with the same amounts of unhealthy sugars and corn syrup that are in regular soda, you are right about that but, their artificial chemicals have a known effect on brain function and heart health. Multiple studies have been conducted to investigate the association between the consumption of artificially sweetened diet drinks like Diet Coke, and the results suggest staying away from regular sodas and diet sodas altogether. Twenty percent of regular diet cola drinkers are more likely to suffer a stroke than non-diet cola drinkers.
I try to avoid sodas, although, once in a while I get a strong craving for a coke and just have to give in and have one. My alternative has been La Croix, which is a sparkling water that comes with a hint of flavor. My son got me hooked on La Croix ever since his ski coach said he would rather see them have pot than a soda. That sounded like a serious statement to stay away from soda for him! Whenever my son saw me drink a soda, he would give me a speech about how bad it was for me. Isn’t the Mom supposed to give the kid the speeches? Ha! Anyway the carbonation in a sparking soda may help put your soda craving at bay. – Maryann
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