Nicole Diefenbacher

Nicole Diefenbacher

Nicole Diefenbacher


Nicole DiefenbacherHiya! I’m from a tiny town called the Borough of Middlesex in central NJ, where Magic 98.3 is a beloved staple in our community!

I am currently a student at Kean University and am pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in communication with a focus on journalism! I don’t necessarily have a favorite genre of music. I am the type of person that if I like how the song sounds, I’ll add it to my playlist. I love singing in the car so anything I can sing, I love!

When I’m not on air at Magic 98.3, you can find me with my friends or taking my two doggos, Bo and Luke, for walks!

In the spring of 2017, I was lucky enough to get the chance to intern with Magic 98.3. Following my internship, I was asked to join the team! I am forever grateful for this amazing opportunity!