It’s been 4 years since Hurricane Sandy, 4 long years for the people still involved in the nightmare of trying desperately to go home.
Maggie Glynn talks with Sue Marticek, Executive Director of the Ocean County Long Term Recovery Group about the fraud, fear, desperation, and hopelessness of the Sandy recovery.
OCLTRG’s ”We Take Care of Our Own” Adopt-A-Family Program
For three and a half years, hundreds of non-profit organizations have partnered to assist their neighbors to recover from Superstorm Sandy. The OCLTRG is now the last long term recovery group in operation on the Jersey Shore. Their “Adopt-a-Family” program allows them to expand their services throughout New Jersey and personalize those services to meet the plight of individuals and families who continue to fight to get back home. Like the Katrina recovery, it will take years to rebuild the Jersey shore, and many of those displaced will not be returned to where they were prior to Sandy. They have drawn inspiration from Bruce Springsteen’s music and they continue to rise up to his challenge in “We Take Care of Our Own,” but they need your help. It’s been a long road so far, and they still have a lot to do. However, they are steadfast in their resolve to get as many people, as possible, back in their homes. No retreat… No surrender!
I have been covering the Sandy Recovery for a while now, I do hope you check out these past shows, there is still so much work to be done.~MG