Karma Cat Planning Surprises for Black Cat Bash
We have partnered with Karma Cat Rescue Society for many years to help raise awareness and funds. Now, Karma Cat Rescue Society’s Black Cat Bash Halloween Party is set to…

Karma Cat Rescue Society Black Cat Bash
Karma Cat Rescue SocietyWe have partnered with Karma Cat Rescue Society for many years to help raise awareness and funds.
Now, Karma Cat Rescue Society’s Black Cat Bash Halloween Party is set to go on October 19th at The East Brunswick Elks Lodge.
I spoke with Janie Carroll about the event. Janie is a member of the Karma Cat Rescue Society Board of Directors, and Head of the host committee for the Black Cat Bash.
Karma Cat Rescue Society is a non-profit animal rescue organization that focuses on cats. Janie said, “That’s just where the biggest need is in New Jersey for us, and we’ve really done an amazing job saving lives, and doing TNR (trap, neuter, and rescue).
In 2024 the rescue is on track to save about 200 cats that will be placed into loving homes. With the help of about 150 volunteers, they’ve also trapped, neutered, and rescued over 100 feral cats this year.
Why Does Karma Cat TNR?
Janie shared, “Some people have feral cats outside and if you’ve ever had a neighbor who feeds the cats you know that they reproduce very quickly. So if you trap and neuter, we also do all of the vaccinations, and then we release them back to that feral colony, and they can actually live a healthy outdoor life with whoever might be feeding that outdoor colony without making the problem any larger.
Karma Cat Black Cat Bash
The Black Cat Bash is going to be amazing. This is Karma Cat’s big fundraiser for the year. It’s important for the rescue and all of the animal lives that they save, all of the medical care that they do for each cat.
It’s a big party and everyone is welcome to enjoy all of the fun at the Halloween-themed bash. There will be performers and events including a fire-breather, tarot card readers, a DJ, and “Eerie Eyes on the Pumpkin Prize.” Janie also shared a secret, “there will be a surprise drag queen performance.”
Check out the full interview with Janie Carroll here…
For more information about Karma Cat Rescue Society or their Black Cat Bash Halloween Party on October 19th go to KarmaCat.org
Be Kind to Animals Week Spawns 3 Heartwarming Cat Stories
I don't have any pets right now, although I have had dogs, cats, ferrets, hamsters, fish, lizards, rabbits, guinea pigs, and more over the course of my life. I think dogs are my favorite, but I also love cats and am not interested in debating which is "better." I am, however, as everyone should be, an advocate for the proper and kind treatment of all animals.
Last week American Humane celebrated the oldest commemorative week in United States history. It was the 108th "Be Kind to Animals Week." Animal lovers of all ages get together on this day to help make the world a better place for animals.
American Humane CEO Robin Ganzert said, "The commemorative week provides people with the opportunity to contemplate the bigger picture of how their actions impact all the amazing creatures we share with our planet. And hopefully this week and every week we can celebrate kindness, compassion, and love for our animal friends." To help make a difference American Humane asks people to take a pledge to improve the lives of animals year-round.To take the pledge go to AmericanHuman.org/BeKind.
Coincidentally, there were a few heartwarming stories that we learned about during "Be Kind to Animals Week." Here are three that will make you smile.
Missing Cat Found Close to Home After 10 Years
United Press International reported a Charleston, South Carolina woman was reunited with her missing cat after 10 years. Animal Control Officers picked up Mr. Mojo and took him to the Charleston Animal Society where they scanned his microchip. They then called his owner, Erin, for a reunion. Mr. Mojo was found two miles from his home. Erin cried during the reunion. Mr. Mojo seemed happy but didn't cry.
Mechanic Adopts Kitten He Rescued from Car Engine
A Raleigh, North Carolina mechanic rescued a six-week-old kitten from a car's engine. As reported by CBS17.com Chris Hayes, whose elderly cat passed away a few months ago, said that he fell in love with the gray kitten so he adopted her and named her "Charcoal."
Chris' wife Stephanie said she "really wanted to find a gray kitten like the one she had as a girl.” While Chris was working to free the kitten, he said he kept thinking, “Wouldn’t it be cool if this is a gray kitten?”
Cat Mailed from China to Canada
Newsweek Magazine reported that a cat was recently mailed from China to Canada. Workers at a mail center in British Columbia found the cat. The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says, "The officers noticed that the box was damaged and had a sizable hole in its side. When the CBSA officer looked into the box, the officer saw a pair of eyes staring back which blinked." The cat, which was named Precious by its rescuers, was taken to a veterinarian where she was treated and then placed in a foster home. Precious loves belly rubs and is going to be fine.
If you're considering adopting a furry friend please visit our Kitty Corner.