Piscataway Teacher’s Artwork Featured As Part Of ‘Windows of Understanding”
A brave and impactful movement known as the fifth annual ‘Windows of Understanding” has been taking place in Middlesex County. It continued this week by featuring the art of Samantha Knierim, an art teacher at Piscataway’s Schor Middle School.
Congratulations to Schor Art Teacher Samantha Knierim who has her artwork featured as part of the #windowsofunderstanding project in New Brunswick! #PwayArts pic.twitter.com/kJd5MjXhIO
— PwayArts (@PwayArts) January 27, 2022
The art work is locked at the Harvest Moon Brewery & Café in New Brunswick as a part of an ongoing social justice infinitive. The goal is to raise of awareness of racial and social justice through various pieces of art. Also paring with several good will organizations such as Elijah’s Promise, who partnered with Knierim for this piece.
But this isn’t the only piece as a few towns in Middlesex County have their own art pieces all across New Brunswick, Highland Park, Metuchen, and South Plainfield. Different pieces of art will continue to be displayed throughout February
The fifth annual “Windows of Understanding” project began on Martin Luther King Day. To help pay homage to the late Reverend who dedicated his life to stand up and gave a voice for those who could not. For more information regarding the project and to find a complete list of the upcoming displays or events. You can Click Here to be taken to their website.
What do you think about this display as they try to build a safer and more connected community within Middlesex County and the Garden State? Should more projects and social justice initiatives like the “Windows of Understanding” take place in the future?
More importantly what pieces of art have you seen within the participating towns? Join in on the discussion with what you think of the artwork, which ones you found really called out to you and spread the message as this project continues into February.