Officials Issue Warning About Weight Loss Scam
Yesterday I was talking with my friend about getting a schedule together so we can plan to workout as partners starting in two weeks. This would have to be a…

Fast food advertisements in America’s most unhealthy town Huntington, West Virginia. Huntington has been named the unhealthiest town in the US due to the number of fast food restaurants and its rate of obesity. (Photo by David Howells/Corbis via Getty Images)
(Photo by David Howells/Corbis via Getty Images)Yesterday I was talking with my friend about getting a schedule together so we can plan to workout as partners starting in two weeks. This would have to be a schedule we can adhere to with no excuses for not showing up. Why did I choose two weeks from now to start our workout regime? Aside from the the hustle and bustle of the holiday season being over, I feel starting a workout program in mid- January will be ample time to get the body in beach body or pool body shape. Also, when I workout with others I push myself harder than I would if I were working out by myself.
My friends and I are not the only ones who feel the need to get slimmer and firmer in the month of January. A new study by Arris Composites reveals that the average person wants to lose 29 pounds in 2023. 78% of people plan to exercise more in 2023 than they did in 2022, that's a huge increase!
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans make New Year resolutions to lose weight. And every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are duped by weight loss scams. I can vouch for false advertisement in the diet and exercise industry. When I was in my acting days, I got hired as a model and I had to wear a belt around my abs with electrodes pulsating my stomach. You would assume that by buying this electric gadget you don't need to exercise and the electrodes itself would make you look slim- not true folks! I worked out at least two hours a day at that time. It's ads and infomercials like that which motivated the Federal Trade Commission to issue a list of things to look for before shelling out money to a supposed weight loss specialist.
If the provider makes any of the following claims, odds are the program isn't on the level, per the FTC:
You can lose weight without dieting or exercising.
You don’t have to watch what you eat to lose weight.
To lose weight, all you have to do is take a certain pill.
You can lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
You can lose weight with a patch or cream.
The bottom line is this: "There’s no magic way to lose weight without a sensible diet and regular exercise," according to the FTC.
-Maryann Morgan
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