It’s National Unfriend Day
Jimmy Kimmel started National Unfriend Day in 2010. According to Facebook, the guidelines for unfriending someone are as follows … You should unfriend someone if you wouldn’t loan them $50. You…

(Photo by Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)
(Photo by Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)Jimmy Kimmel started National Unfriend Day in 2010.
According to Facebook, the guidelines for unfriending someone are as follows ...
You should unfriend someone if you wouldn't loan them $50.
You should unfriend someone if you would invite them to your birthday party.
You should unfriend someone if you wouldn't cry if they got hit by a bus.
A few reasons for unfriending was frequent, uninteresting posts, or a different political or religious belief. People often unfriend co-workers for their actions in the real world rather than anything they post on Facebook.
Keep in mind, 20% of people have five close friends.