Steve-O Tapes Himself to Hollywood Billboard
Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any weirder, Steve-O has to go and duct-tape himself to a billboard in Los Angeles. Don’t try this at home, kids. The “Jackass”…

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any weirder, Steve-O has to go and duct-tape himself to a billboard in Los Angeles. Don’t try this at home, kids.
The “Jackass” star took to social media to share a photo of himself taped to a billboard on the 1700 block of North Cahuenga Boulevard in the L.A. area.
“I’m attached to a billboard right now (swipe to see the whole thing) and want to emphasize that a team of real professionals rigged everything safely,” he stated. “There is zero chance of me falling, and it’s important to me that we not waste any valuable city resources on this. I’m happy to just hang out, and really want the world to know about this project I worked so hard on.”
Steve-O was apparently promoting his new project, “Gnarly.”
He was taken down from the billboard earlier today by law enforcement and, reportedly, was not arrested.