Have A Small Bathroom? Here’s How To Make The Most Of It!
Bathrooms. We all have them. We all need them. But what happens when you have a tiny bathroom and you don’t know how to organize it? Whether you’re looking to organize…

Photographee.eu / Shutterstock
Photographee.eu / ShutterstockBathrooms. We all have them. We all need them. But what happens when you have a tiny bathroom and you don't know how to organize it?
Whether you're looking to organize that small bathroom, or you are redoing the space and only have so much to work with, we've got you covered in terms of tips, tricks, and ideas to make the most of your space.
Utilize The Walls
You know all that space above the toilet? It's the ideal place to put some of the necessities if you don't have a ton of cabinet space under your sink (or any space at all, if you have a pedestal sink).
Choose The Right Sink
If you are remodeling your bathroom, think of what type of sink you will need. If you get a pedestal sink but you don't have ample room for cabinet space, you may want to rethink that design. If you are expanding your shower and you don't have a lot of square footage to work with, maybe you can opt for a smaller sink. IKEA has some good setups for smaller sinks that you can look into by clicking here.
Utilize Those Corners
Whether it's cabinets that fit in the corners, or if you put your shower in the corner, utilizing your corners will help free up your floor space/moving space in that bathroom.
Consider Your Door And Where It Swings
If you have a small bathroom and the door swings in, you don't want the door to hit the shower that's directly behind you, especially if you hang towels on the back of your door. Be sure your door clears the area as it swings, or opt to have a sliding door instead.
Make Shelves Where Walls Should Be
If you are redoing your bathroom and your showers, consider making extra shelving for your products, versus setting them on the corners of the tub or having to buy caddies. Not only will it be more convenient, it also will be more hygienic than plastic caddies that never seem to get washed.
Amy Cooper is one with the force and the force is with her.