I believe that all of us would love to spread kindness as much as possible. We don’t perform random acts of kindness for a variety of reasons, maybe we think we don’t have time, or perhaps we feel money is the issue (it’s not), or some might feel it’s “weird.” One extremely small way I try to be kind and friendly is when I’m on my daily run I give a quick wave to anyone and everyone I pass or see. I used to sometimes wait until someone else waved before I’d wave back, but at some point, I decided to always be the “wave initiator.” Again, this is a very tiny, teeny-weeny thing I like to do, but there are so many other ways to spread joy.
The fine folks at The Guardian have compiled “52 Acts of Kindness: how to spread joy in every week of 2023” to help us make 2023 a better place and more enjoyable for all of us. Some are as simple as helping a dying bee or donating a coat, while others can be more complex, but certainly doable.
Here are some of the “52 Acts of Kindness” on the list, see how many you feel you could accomplish this year…