SPOTSWOOD TO HOST A SPECIAL TOWN HALL MEETING TO DISCUSS MARIJUANA POLICY The issue of marijuana causes a buzz on a daily basis, but too frequently opinions are formed and decisions made based on a one-sided presentation of information. On July 17th, people will have the opportunity to discuss multiple perspectives related to medical use, legalization, and the decriminalization of marijuana. Fact: Short-term Effects of Marijuana: Loss of coordination and distortions in the sense of time, vision and hearing, sleepiness, reddening of the eyes, increased appetite and relaxed muscles. Heart rate can speed up. The town of Spotswood will host a special Town Hall meeting to discuss various aspects relevant to the question of medical marijuana, whether marijuana is a gateway drug, and addiction from a clinical and personal perspective. Additionally, parents, teachers, local officials, youth and other community members will be educated about the impact that marijuana use has on the community, and they will suggest possible ways to address this issue. Titled “Marijuana. It’s Complicated – Let’s talk”, the event will feature a panel of experts including NCADD of Middlesex County, Inc. CEO & Executive Director Steve Liga; Amanda Bent, New Jersey Drug Policy Associate at the Drug Policy Alliance; Timothy B., a Rutgers University student; and Sgt. Ed Schapley of the Spotswood Policy Department. Moderating the event will be Evan Weiss, Director of Admissions at Integrity House.Audience members will be able to contribute to the discussion and join a dialogue driven by the facts presented by the panel. “Our goal” said Liga, “is to share our knowledge of this complex issue with the Spotswood community, so there is a greater understanding of the topic.” There will be a raffle for an iPad mini and many other gifts donated by local merchants. Parents accompanying teens and anyone who RSVP’s to the event will receive bonus raffle tickets. |
July 14201412:00 am