Where New Jersey Ranks for Coworker Satisfaction [Survey]
Besides family, there’s one set of people you’re forced to spend plenty of time with, wanted or not: Coworkers. Our work lives, virtual or in the office, are tethered to these relationships. CapRelo recently dove into coworker relationships in their most recent survey of over 3000 people across the US. The researchers asked respondents to rate their colleagues, then compiled an average coworker rating for each state to determine the states with the best and worst coworkers.
The survey found that New Jersey coworkers are some of the highest-rated in the country. Respondents in New Jersey rated their coworkers above the national average coworker rating, making it the state #8 with the best coworker satisfaction.
Here are other interesting insights from the survey: 45% of those surveyed feel comfortable venting to their coworkers about personal issues, 19% feel close enough to their coworkers to tell them things they wouldn’t even tell their family or friends, and 17% actually consider their coworkers to be family.
The worst trait in a coworker? According to respondents, passive aggressiveness (34%).
Nationally, over 70% of Americans trust their coworkers.
You can view the full survey here.