These Scams Have Gotten So Bad That The Country Music Industry Put Out a Warning
Several fans have gotten scammed by imposters posing as celebrities. Things got so bad that the country music industry created PSAs to warn fans about being scammed by their favorite music artist. Even despite all that, there are still people falling for scams like Cynthia Kile of Fargo, North Dakota who fell for an imposter George Strait and lost $900. Kile was asked to join a George Strait fan club where she was asked to pay a fee to join and an additional fee when she was asked to become vice president. “I knew what to do, but when it actually happened… I was denying it,” said Kile. Thankfully her boyfriend stepped in and stopped the payments from going to the imposter. Folks, celebrities don’t need your money!! So don’t fall for these ridiculous scams- Maryann Morgan