Fight Leads to Police Controversy in Bridgewater Township
Last weekend a video went viral of a fight between two teenagers at the Bridgewater Commons mall in Bridgewater Township, New Jersey. It shows two teen boys, one black and one white, arguing and pointing fingers until one shoves the other which leads to a fist fight. Others who were there at the time can be seen watching or filming with their phones. The altercation lasted only a couple minutes until police got involved which is the source of outrage.
The Bridgewater Mall Fight is the clearest example of how police actively use race as a shorthand for who they perceive as a threat.
— Pastor Ben (@BenjaminPDixon) February 16, 2022
See for yourself.
The NAACP has gotten involved and says the officers should be removed while the investigation is ongoing.
The @naacp NJ State Conference calls for these @bridgewaterpd officers to be immediately removed from the police force pending an investigation. The time for the #nj Governor and Attorney General to put a stop to this type of behavior by the police is NOW. #EnoughIsEnough
— NAACP New Jersey State Conference (@naacpnjsc) February 16, 2022
Even Governor Phil Murphy chimed in on Twitter.
Although an investigation is still gathering the facts about this incident, I’m deeply disturbed by what appears to be racially disparate treatment in this video. We’re committed to increasing trust between law enforcement and the people they serve.
— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) February 16, 2022
Reactions on Twitter seem to mostly be in favor of 14 year old Kye, identified in CBS New York’s report . He did not want his last name being used.
The young man gets a record for his reasonable response to aggression.
— Keith S (@KeithSvsbadgov) February 17, 2022
His vulnerability to such provacation will be used in attempts jail or kill him months to years from now.
I just saw the video and it is a disgrace what those officers did, they need to be held accountable for the actions. Why handcuffed only one teen? Is the white teen better than the black teen???? Some thing needs to be done
— autism_mom (@autism_2009) February 16, 2022
Ask us again why we distrust the police. This happens to our black boys and girls too often and it sets the tone for their level of trust with police going forward.
— MssOcotoberr (@Mssoctoberr) February 16, 2022
An investigation into this matter is ongoing.