Tarot Tuesday: June 15, 2021
Hello, this is Debra from Golden Bee Tarot and Reiki. Welcome to the June 15th edition of Tarot Tuesday! This week our guidance is coming from the Modern Witch Tarot by Liminal 11.
Close your eyes and center yourself. Take a deep breath in through your nose, pause for a count of four then slowly release the breath. When you are ready, open your eyes and connect with the cards.
Choose the one you feel most drawn to, or perhaps two cards for deeper insight. Now that you’ve chosen your card, let’s take a look at the reveal.
1. Six of Pentacles: Random acts of kindness have the potential to be a game changer this week. Let yourself be guided by compassion and generosity of spirit in all your interactions. Extend a helping hand to someone who is down on their luck. Give a gift to a loved one just to see their face light up with pleasure. Pick up the tab for your friend when you meet them for coffee. Share your time and talent with a charity of your choice. Making a conscious effort to share your resources to elevate others and benefit the greater good will lighten your heart and satisfy your soul.
2. Everything Is Fine (AKA Ten of Swords): This week, something in your life may come to a painful end, one that leaves you reeling. While it may seem as though the rug has been pulled out from under you, this is actually a time to gain some much needed perspective. Perhaps you’ve been stuck in circumstances that have been causing extreme stress and suffering. If that’s the case, Ten of Swords signifies finally releasing what has been tormenting you. Take time to process the loss and clear out any debris associated with this situation because a fresh start is waiting for you just beyond the horizon.
3. Six of Swords: It’s time to get moving. The Six of Swords denotes embarking on a new path, often leaving behind difficulties or loss. This state of transition may feel sobering as you try to sort through your feelings and adjust to the changes that are taking place in your life. If you’re feeling discomfort or anxiety about where you’re headed, keep in mind that this is a temporary phase. The situation will smooth out and you will find more stability as you continue towards this next chapter of your journey. Surrender to the shifting tides and let them carry you to new and better opportunities.
Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you next week! For more information or to book an appointment visitwww.goldenbeetarot-reiki.com.