Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Decided on a Godmother for Their Daughter
(Photo by: Godong/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Find out who Harry and Meghan want to ask to be their daughter’s Godmother…
There’s a couple of fun sequels in the works, and one involves a dog…
It’s set in stone that the Stone Pony will host concerts again.
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Meet Maryann, who has been chasing magic since the early 90s. Back then, she hosted a love and dedication show at nights on Magic. Talk about romantic vibes! Since then, she traded her evening slot for mornings. When she’s not talking to you on the air, she’s living the glamorous life of a chicken, duck, pigeon, and German Short-Haired Pointer mom. Since Joel can never follow what she says, there is an entire feature called " What are you Talking About" at 9:10. Running is her secret to staying out of trouble – or at least staying ahead of the extra pounds. She has a husband named Matt, and a son named Zack, who she says makes her world a little adventure.