The Best Time To Eat Lunch While Working From Home
It’s crucial to space out your meals to keep your energy and focus levels up while working from home. Working from home, you’re probably sitting more and your schedule may be out of whack. If you’ve been working from home for the past year, lunch and snack time may be what you look forward to most. There an optimal time to eat that’ll allow you to be more productive. It’s crucial to space out your meals to keep your energy and focus levels up. Your first meal of the day should be within 30 to 60 minutes of waking up to help fuel and nourish your body. You should aim to eat lunch (or a snack) three to five hours after breakfast. To figure out when exactly you should eat, you have to understand your own hunger signals and eating habits. To gauge your hunger signals, on a scale of 1 -10, try using a hunger scale ― where 1 is extremely hungry and 10 is stuffed. It’s ideal to aim to eat when you’re at about a 4 (slightly hungry) and stop at about a 6 (satisfied)
Most people need to eat regularly throughout the day to maintain their energy.
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