Tarot Tuesday: February 9, 2021
Hello, this is Debra from Golden Bee Tarot and Reiki. Welcome to the February 9th edition of Tarot Tuesday!
Our guidance is coming from the Simplicity Tarot by Emilie Muniz. Close your eyes and center yourself. Take a deep breath in through your nose, then slowly exhale through your mouth.
When you are ready, open your eyes and connect with the cards. Choose the one you feel most drawn to, or perhaps two cards for deeper insight. Now that you’ve chosen your card, let’s check out the reveal!
1. Four of Wands: An air of happiness permeates the atmosphere this week! Conflict and upheaval are in the rearview, replaced with feelings of completeness and stability. You may have reached a significant milestone which is prompting this celebration. Enjoy this very special moment and invite your family and friends to help you mark the occasion. Life has been serious and daunting for far too long. The time is right to kick up your heels and let the good times roll.
2. King of Swords: Calm, cool and collected are the keywords for the week. The King of Swords is a leader who doesn’t let anything get under their skin. Instead, they are rational and fair minded. Putting their intellect ahead of their heart, this king accesses their vast amount of knowledge and utilizes it to create order out of chaos. If you chose this card, this is a time for you to employ objectivity, decisiveness and clear communication when dealing with others.
3. Three of Wands: It’s a week for significant movement and making strides towards reaching the goals you have set for yourself. This is not a time to sit back on your laurels. You have work to do that involves further development of your talents and accessing the deep well of creativity you possess. As you gain mastery over your skill set, your confidence grows and you will soon find yourself ready to share your ideas and show the world exactly what you’re capable of.
Thank you so much for joining me and I’ll see you next week! For more information or to book an appointment visit www.goldenbeetarot-reiki.com.