Tarot Tuesday: November 24, 2020
Hello, this is Debra from Golden Bee Tarot and Reiki. Welcome to the November 24th edition of Tarot Tuesday!
This week our guidance is coming from the Radiant Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck. Take a moment and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply, then slowly exhale. Now open your eyes and connect with the cards. Choose the one you feel most drawn to, or perhaps two cards for deeper insight. Now that you’ve chosen your card, let’s check out the reveal!
1. King of Cups: This is a week to utilize your emotional intelligence to navigate through any situations you may encounter. The King of Cups provides you with an innate ability to tap into your feelings and empowers you to lead from a place of compassion. Practice kindness and do your best to be supportive of others. Empathy and a gentle, nurturing demeanor will allow others to feel safe in your presence.
2. The Emperor: Next Monday’s full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini ushers in a new cycle and opens a portal to change and growth. The Emperor’s energy encourages you to use this period as an opportunity to step into your power. Understand that this is not about dominating others or petty tyranny. Rather, it serves as a chance for you to showcase your maturity, wisdom and desire to serve the greater good.
3. Five of Pentacles: At a time of year when so much emphasis is placed on abundance and gratitude, it’s easy to get caught up in a sense of deprivation and disappointment due to a lack of resources. If you require assistance of any kind, please don’t suffer in silence. Reach out and ask for help from friends or loved ones. The response you receive will lift your spirits, warm your heart and give you hope for a brighter future.
Thank you so much for joining me. See you next week!
For more information about the upcoming lunar eclipse, click here. For more information or to book an appointment visit www.goldenbeetarot-reiki.com. For expanded content: Instagram at goldenbee_tarot_reiki Facebook at Golden Bee Tarot and Reiki.