Tarot Tuesday: September 15, 2020
Hello, this is Debra from Golden Bee Tarot and Reiki. Welcome to the September 15th edition of Tarot Tuesday!
This week we are receiving our guidance from the Simplicity Tarot by Emilie Muniz. Take a moment and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply, then slowly exhale. Now open your eyes and focus on the cards.
Choose the one you feel most drawn to, or perhaps two cards for deeper insight. Now that you’ve chosen your card, it’s time for the reveal!
1. Five of Pentacles (Coins): The sign of Virgo is deeply rooted in the physical world and has a strong desire for order. If you have been feeling ungrounded, financially unstable or physically under the weather, the Five of Pentacles is calling attention to the fact that something is amiss. Make a sincere effort to address any health concerns or financial issues. It will go a long way to restoring balance.
2. King of Cups: Another aspect of Virgo is their dedication to helping others and living a life of service. The King of Cups is encouraging you to lead with love and compassion at this new moon. There will be many opportunities to bring your empathetic nature to any situation you encounter this week. Lend your quiet strength and caring nature to others who are in need.
3. The Chariot: New moons are thought to be a cosmic reboot and can jump start projects that you are trying to get off the ground. The Chariot supports your efforts by giving you the momentum you need to shift into high gear. Take full advantage of the energy and drive that’s available to you. Plans made this week have the potential to get you exactly where you want to go.
Thank you so much for joining me. See you next week!
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