5 Ways to Prevent Ice Cream Freezer Burn
Last night I brought out 5 cartons of different flavored ice cream so my family and I can make an ice cream sundaes for dessert. I had all the toppings spread across the counter and was so excited to create a sundae masterpiece. When I opened 2 of the cartons, they had a darky slimy film on top – oh no, freezer burn! Although it’s not unsafe to eat ice cream with freezer burn, it just doesn’t taste all that great – even if you smother it with whipped cream and chocolate syrup! I looked up ways to prevent this from ever happening again and wanted to share these tips with you.
(Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images for Baskin-Robbins)
Avoid melting the ice cream and freezing it over and over.
Keep it as cold as possible. The best temperature for ice cream is 0 – 5 degrees below zero.
Stash the carton of ice cream in the back of the freezer.
Seal the top of the cream with plastic wrap, parchment paper, or wax paper before you put the lid back on the ice cream.
Store it in the freezer upside down.
Good Tasting Ice Cream = Joy , Enjoy making delicious sundaes with your family – Maryann Morgan – Joel and Maryann in the Morning