Jersey Shore’s Mike Sorrentino And Wife Lauren Open Up About ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Miscarriage
By Amanda Pizana
In a recent interview on Good Morning America Mike Sorrentino otherwise known as “The Situation,” from The Jersey Shore and his wife Lauren revealed that she suffered a miscarriage.
"It was heart-wrenching."
— Good Morning America (@GMA) November 18, 2019
Mike Sorrentino, widely known from his #JerseyShore days, and his wife, Lauren, opened up about her recent miscarriage.
Lauren recalled tracking her ovulation cycles, sharing that “it worked out perfectly” that she was ovulating at the same time he was released from the Otisville Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, New York, in September after serving eight months for tax fraud. “The night he came home we actually conceived,” she said.
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