April Fool’s!! Execs Say “Inappropriate!”
I like to do pranks on April 1st, but I always try to make sure they don’t embarrass or hurt anyone. You really need to think about of the possibilities of the joke taking a negative turn.
A survey by the Creative Group reveals that 71% of marketing execs and 45% of advertising execs think April Fools Day jokes are inappropriate in the workplace.
The April Fool’s joke Tennie Pierce’s fellow firefighters played on him may be the costliest of all-time. He sued the L.A. Fire Department and the city of Los Angeles after his co-workers spiked his spaghetti and meatballs with dog food. Tennie was awarded $1.43 million!
A survey by Harris reveals that 18% of people have a family tradition of pranking one another on April Fool’s Day. Other findings:
– 24% of people think “Kick Me” signs are funny
– 57% of adults have a lower appreciation for pranks now that they’re older
– 41% of people think pranks are funny as long as they are not the target
– biggest April Fool’s targets: 76% best friend … 73% spouse/significant other … 72% siblings
– 53% of people believe pranking parents is off limits
– 56% of people believe pranking young kids is off limits
– 64% of people believe pranking bosses and teachers is off limits
Joel likes to prank co-workers and children by filling water balloons with boiling water. Hilarious!