Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Frozen Water Lines
Freezing temperatures bring about many unwanted consequences, one of them being frozen water lines. When your water lines freeze, not only are you suffering the loss of water to your fixtures or heating system, you are also at risk for pipes bursting and causing tremendous damage. A few steps can be taken to reduce this risk:
- Store hoses properly by removing them from lawn faucets and draining any residual water from the hose
- Valve off lawn faucets inside, open the faucet (and leave open), and blow compressed air through the line to remove any residual water (unless lawn faucet is frost-free type)
- Valve off sprinkler lines and blow compressed air through lines to remove any residual water
- Make sure all unconditioned spaces (such as crawl spaces, garage, and attic) are well insulated, and avoid running water lines in these areas
- Seal any penetrations that may allow cold air to infiltrate the house
- Make sure all water lines located in exterior walls and unconditioned spaces are well insulated (and re-locate from unconditioned spaces if possible)
- During extreme cold spells, leave a slow drip on a faucet connected to an at-risk water line to keep water flowing and reduce the risk of freezing
- Avoid shutting your heat off completely and preferably never let your home drop below 55 degrees
- Increase warm air flow to piping by leaving bathroom doors and sink cabinet doors open
If you do notice a loss of flow to a fixture or the entire house, immediately shut off the water to the fixture or house and call a professional plumber immediately.
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Remm Heating, Inc.
1495 Jersey Avenue
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
P: (732) 297-6620
F: (732) 545-9583